Call me crazy, but I’ve always thought that hairbrushes look like pin cushions…anyone agree? Well, they do make very cute pin cushions anyway :) Here’s how I made mine:
I mean they could’ve been separated at birth…right?!
Did you like this project? Then please head on over and like The PharMA Blog Facebook page ;)
That’s My Daily Dose!
This is absolutely, positively, one of the cutest pin cushions EVER!We’re both in the top 25 at Babble, so I wanted to come by and say hi, congrats, and enjoy your blog.Have a great weekend!Jenn
Very cute. I wsih you had included a link to your facebook page.
Thank you so much Jenn and Joanne! Jenn- I actually have been following your blog for a while now and absolutely LOVE it!! Thank you so much for reaching out and Congrats to you too :)Joanne- I’m so glad you found my facebook page…My facebook button doesn’t quite stand out enough so I will look into making it easier to find. Thank you for the suggestion ;) Hope you both enjoy the holiday weekend!
This is so cute!! My daughters are just getting really interested in the whole crafts thing (that I’m obsessed with) and I can’t wait to make a few of these for them.
How much fun is this little pincushion!!!!
this is a absolutly darling pincussion and so so original , you have incredable talent , i love this and will attempt to make one , how cute
Thank Taryn, Spinndiva, and Georgia! Your comments made my day :)
I wish I could “pinterest” this link. I couldn’t. Not even directly to a picture. I really like this pinchushion! I need to dig into my craft dresser to select felts to use…
HI Jean! I’m so sorry you couldn’t “pin” the image…I’m not sure why :( So excited your going to make on of your own!!! Would love to see a pic when your done!
I love everything about this! It would also be really easy to add an elastic band for arm-strapping purposes. I, for one, think that walking around my dress form with a hairbrush pin cushion on my bicep would be the height of fashion. ;)
thezenofmaking…I absolutely agree!!!! I love that idea and I would certainly wear mine around as well :) I’m sure it would catch on in no time! Haha! Thank you for your comment and sense of humor :)
What a cute idea!Best pin cushion idea I have seen yet!
Perfect! I’ve always thought the same thing!
Looooved the project, and also loved the font for “pin cushion”.
Thank you everyone for your sweet comments! I’m so glad you like the project!! And Vivianne…I’m so tickled you commented on the font! It took me the longest time to find the perfect “pin cushion” font :) haha
I love this! Such a good idea
great idea…….i love this……..thanks
Hi Sweetie! I followed a “pin” for your pin cushion hairbrush to this blog. However, the tute is no longer visible–and when I clicked on a link, I received a dead link message. Could you please send the pin cushion brush tutorial to my email address–or have you, perhaps, moved your blog to another server/web hosting service?
I would love to make one of these for each of my daughters (ages 17 and 24).
Thank you in advance!
Lisa Peden
Hi Lisa–
Sorry for the delayed response…I’ve had some issues with my blog (as you can tell)! I will get the tutorial up and running as soon as possible..thank you for letting me know!
It’s back up! Here’s the link :
Thank you again for letting me know! I would love to see your Hairbrush Pin Cushions :)
Ah, I remember this! When I wrote my first comment, my daughters were 17 and 24; now they’re 18 and 25! (lol)
Just giving you grief! I, personally, can’t remember the last time I changed the images on my home page–so I completely understand !
Thank you for fixing it/re-uploading the tutorial. :) I just took my sewing/embroidery machine in for repair, so now would be an excellent time to make these. :)
Thank you again! <3