That’s right…a COMPLETE Blog post…edited pictures, text, watermarks and all! Now, I don’t claim to be an expert on all things iPhone and apps, but I have learned a few tricks that help me be more efficient when I can’t get to my computer. I’ll let you in on a little secret…this post was done entirely using my iPhone (and only my iPhone) with the apps and steps I’m about to show you. Pretty cool, huh?!
First things first: you’re gonna need some apps that edit. These happen to be the ones that I used and tend to prefer because of their capability.
1. WordPress App
2. iWatermark
3. Pic Collage
4. Phonto
5. Snapseed
Snapseed is a great app that mimics what photoshop can do for photo editing. It’s very user friendly and I happened to find a great tutorial on how to use it to sharpen your photos here. Once you fix up your balance, lighting, contrast, etc. save the new photo onto your camera roll.
Next, open up Phonto if you’d like to add text, symbols, headers, or arrows. The best part about this app is not only do they have a great selection of fonts, but you can also download ANY free font online to use in the app. Even downloading the font can be done from your iPhone!! Again, save your finished picture to your camera roll.
If you would like to put your pictures into a collage, that’s where Pic Collage comes in.
This could be the most important step that you won’t want to forget… Watermark your pictures that you just worked so hard on! iWatermark allows you to use your own logo or you can use a font and one of their “stamps”. Now save it, and your fully edited pictures are complete and ready to post!
Almost there! Next, open up your WordPress App and add your own domain (for self-hosted blogs) and you’ll be able to “add a post”!
All the same options are there…even “make a link”. The WordPress App also allows you to preview what the post will look like live and when you’d like to schedule the post.
And that’s it!!! So if you’re pressed for time or always on the go- there is an option to keep up with your posts (while not sacrificing a quality look) completely from your iPhone! What apps do you use? I’m always open to being more efficient!
That’s My Daily Dose!